
ETH Toronto 3rd place, was available on Appstore

A crypto wallet that allows creating smart contract based social wallets which allows the leader of the wallet to invest with wallet’s total assets by using swap exchanges like Kyber Network and Changelly.


·Developed backend in Django and Postegresql with Graphql, deployed to Aws Lambda and AWS RDS with High Availability and used Google firebase for user authentication.

·Designed and developed the mobile app using React Native, allowing creating wallets for ERC-20 tokens and btc including Touch ID / FaceID support with full Ethereum mainnet/testnet connectivity. The app was connected to Infura network with Web3.js.

·Developed smart contracts with Solidity using Truffle, Ganache, OpenZeppelin with upgradeability support. Our main smart contract was responsible for launching users smart contracts and both contracts emitted events to blockchain from the social wallets and used Kyber Network Smart Contracts to swap tokens.

·Attended several blockchain based hackathons, implemented Cosmos SDK to create a DEX with its own blockchain in Golang.

Mirian was awarded a 3rd place in ETH Denver 2018 Demo Days, and was live on App Store between 11/2019 – 04/2020 and eventually run out of investment.

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